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Mobile ship loader
  • Mobile ship loader

Mobile ship loader

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301-500 people
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Average Lead Time
60 Day(s)
Product Specifications
Product Description

UP mobile ship loader adopts three modes of operation with high degree of automation: semi automatic control, manual control and machine side control. It uses inverter technology which achieves energy saving and environmental protection. It has many advantages including advanced technology, reliable performance, high ship loading efficiency, long service life and convenient maintenance. It can meet the needs of large capacity, high efficiency and frequent operation. Noise and dust pollution can also meet the national standards of environmental protection.
Ship loader beam adopts a telescopic boom structure, the turning radius is variable. There is a telescopic sleeve in the front end of the boom. Sleeve device consists of cylinder body, telescopic mechanism, rotating mechanism and a material throwing plate. The cylinder can be contracted to the shortest state with the wire rope traction, and under the action of gravity it can release the traction. The coordinate action of the rotating device, elbow swing device and boom telescopic mechanism can satisfy the need of balanced loading for different ship type.
When loading the bulk carrier, mobile ship loader can bring matchless efficiency can flexibility. In port of wharf, it can directly unload trucks to vessels and barges and elimate the double handling of materials. In addition, our ship loader can greatly improve the ship loading efficiency and reduce the cost of labor and energy consumption.

Mobile ship loader from China supplier
Mobile ship loader from China supplier
Mobile ship loader from China supplier

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Nantong UP Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.
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